Back pain (also known "dorsalgia") is pain felt in the back that may originate from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
The pain may have a sudden onset or it can be a chronic pain, it can be felt constantly or intermittently, stay in one place or refer or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may be felt in the neck (and might radiate into the arm and hand), in the upper back, or in the low back, (and might radiate into the leg or foot), and may include symptoms other than pain, such as weakness, numbness or tingling.
Back pain is one of humanity's most frequent complaints. In the U.S., acute low back pain (also called lumbago) is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits. About nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults have back pain every year.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Herniated Disc Surgery

Herniated disc surgery can be a very frightening what to consider, especially because of all the conflicting information available. There are definitely some cases where the surgery for a herniated disc is needed, but more often than not, this is not the case.

In fact, most of the currently available research indicates that the success rate of the herniated disc surgery is very low, and rarely offers long-term relief efforts (in most cases, the pain returns within 5 years) .

This article is about the various options available for herniated disc surgery, but before we cover, we need to discuss what a herniated disc is.

The disks the spine cushions are separating the rate of bone on the back. Their main purpose is to be the shock absorber, protecting the spine before ebermaigen wear with movement.

Each disc consists of a strong outer shell called annulus, and a soft jelly center called core. In the case of a herniated disc, the outer shell is weak and tears. This leads to the jelly to shift from the center of the disc into the area of weakness, causing the disc to bulge.

The serious complications of this condition is that the spinal cord nerves are located directly behind each disc of the spine, which is where the disc rather arch, if it is damaged. For this reason, the herniated disc tend to put pressure on a nerve, which can lead to a high degree of pain and disability.

In indeed an interesting fact about the discs of the spine, that you may not realise is that they do not the ability to feel pain sensations. That sounds crazy at first, because as you know, this is a very painful condition to live with.

But when you think about it, it makes sense that a disc would not feel pain because they are all shock-absorbing day . If they could feel pain, you would violate the whole day, with every movement you make!

So what actually causes the pain in the event of a herniated disc? It is indeed the pressure on the affected nerves. Even more important than the pain, however, is the other parts of the body can be affected by this condition.

Because spinal cord nerves that control everything in the body, pressure on a nerve will cause the part of the body is through the nerve -- to stop functioning normally.

A good example would be a herniated disc in the lower back. The nerves would be affected the legs, it is customary for a person with this condition to experience pain to travel the legs, as well as the weakness in legs.

I 've even seen cases in which the pressure on Nervous the low back, is so intense that a person literally drop in the knees, because they have lost so much energy in their legs.

Now, before we learn about the different types of herniated disc surgery is available, I would just say, because the People often ask whether there is a way for them, whether the operation is their only option, and it is.

There are only a few circumstances require, the actual surgery immediately. The first is if you have a herniated disc in your low back, and you lose control of your bowel and /or bladder. This is very serious and usually requires surgery right away.

The other circumstance that often requires surgery, when a person begins to experience weakness in the extremities (either the arms or legs). This is a sign that the nerves have so much pressure on them that they will gradually fall asleep. This is also a very serious sign.

One what I should say that the second fact is that the weakness I am referring to is an objective weakness that a doctor can only by a ordnungsgemae examination. You can feel like you are experiencing weakness, but unless it is reflected in the test, he can not take it seriously enough to examine surgery.

In other words, your doctor is the only person who know when A true weakness, surgery .

Let us now discuss the different types of herniated disc surgery today shared. Even though it was a lot of new research in this field are the two most commonly used forms of Operation either the elimination of the bulging part of the CD remove the pressure from the nerve, or removing the entire disc and fusing the bones above and below the Disc together.

With these two types of operations, the success rate is very low - only about 16% after the medical journal Spine. These often lead to other complications in the future. With a mixture, the joints above and below the fusion have to work extra hard to make for the lack of movement so that the joints tend to wear out faster, and the problem will ultimately throughout the spine.

In case of a disc resection Where they remove the part of the CD is that herniating, the problem usually within 5 years, because if you are removing a part of the CD, it creates a weakness in the disc, and also that Scar tissue to develop time.

Many people ask me about spare disc and other recent discoveries in this field, but at this moment in time, these forms of surgery are considered experimental and have not really shown great success. I think it is a much promise in this area, but they have not really perfected this technology yet.

So, here is the bottom line with herniated disc surgery - always as a last resort. The success rate is very low, and unless you fit into one of the categories that are absolutely requires surgery, you should try everything else first.

So available, what other options do you have? After working with thousands of patients with this condition, I noticed that there is actually a series of treatments, which are very helpful and can really have a long-term results.

I 've actually found that it is a combination of treatments The best results. If you are interested in avoiding herniated disc surgery, and want to learn more about the combination of treatments that are most effective for curing a herniated disc, you can

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