Back pain (also known "dorsalgia") is pain felt in the back that may originate from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
The pain may have a sudden onset or it can be a chronic pain, it can be felt constantly or intermittently, stay in one place or refer or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may be felt in the neck (and might radiate into the arm and hand), in the upper back, or in the low back, (and might radiate into the leg or foot), and may include symptoms other than pain, such as weakness, numbness or tingling.
Back pain is one of humanity's most frequent complaints. In the U.S., acute low back pain (also called lumbago) is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits. About nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults have back pain every year.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Sciatic Nerve Therapy - 3 Proven Stretches You Can Do Without Getting Up

With the nastiness, the sciatica, the fun, the sciatic nerve pain therapy. If you are a physician, this may be everything from pop a pill to alternating heat and ice (really, are you kidding me?). If you're really lucky, you can even for back surgery (fun). Although I know all of these options are a boatload of fun, there are also things you can do right now, in your own four walls, to relieve that pain at the sciatic nerve.

1. The Back Stretch for sciatic nerve pain - This is the most fun of all these routes. It is so relaxing. a) lay on your back b) bring your knees to chest and grasp your lower leg with the hands c) Rock on the left and the right-

If your pain gets worse, ever stop. Otherwise, be at least a 30-second session.

2. The cat stretch for sciatic nerve pain - This is a great yoga stretch. Indeed, stretches the back. a) Start on all fours b) put your head down and pull you back (think of a cat, if he is - hence the name), c) that for 15-20 seconds, and take you out and back to Neutral d) Aim to do this three times

3. The Dead Man's stretch for sciatic nerve pain - It got its name because nothing moves above the waist. a) lay on his back, legs straight b) turn right leg to c) on the bent right leg over the left leg straight d) uncross the legs bent and then straight off again, both legs should be straight now. e) the same with the other leg.


It's no secret that I think Sciatica stinks. If you are reading this, chances are you do too. The pain can be a debilitating monster of a beast. More often than not the doctor's advice is painful, pricey, or altogether useless, ('Alternate heat and ice? Sure am glad I wasted my latte money on that stellar piece of advice). You gotta understand... Your sciatic treatment is Your responsibility.

Most sciatica sufferers do things every day that will lead to a sciatic flare. Obviously not on purpose, but the facts are this, the wrong foods, the wrong exercises, even the wrong sitting position all contribute to a flare.

You can take control of your sciatic nerve pain. You can get your life back without drugs or painful treatments. In fact, you can do it in your own home in only 8 minutes a day, guaranteed. Visit us at for more information.

Treat your Sciatica Now and spare yourself any regrets later.

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