Back pain (also known "dorsalgia") is pain felt in the back that may originate from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine.
The pain may have a sudden onset or it can be a chronic pain, it can be felt constantly or intermittently, stay in one place or refer or radiate to other areas. It may be a dull ache, or a sharp or piercing or burning sensation. The pain may be felt in the neck (and might radiate into the arm and hand), in the upper back, or in the low back, (and might radiate into the leg or foot), and may include symptoms other than pain, such as weakness, numbness or tingling.
Back pain is one of humanity's most frequent complaints. In the U.S., acute low back pain (also called lumbago) is the fifth most common reason for all physician visits. About nine out of ten adults experience back pain at some point in their life, and five out of ten working adults have back pain every year.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Low Back Pain & Sciatica During Pregnancy - Treatment

Unfortunately, low back pain or sciatica is a fairly common complaint during pregnancy, with between 50% - 80% of women suffer from this complaint. However, even if this problem can be difficult to treat, it should never be accepted as "part of a pregnancy." There are definitely measures that can be taken to try and resolve this problem.

In to treat these diseases with low back pain or sciatica during pregnancy, we need to address the change in the curvature of the spine and also every muscle imbalance present . These two factors, together with hormonal changes that are in my article "Low Back Pain & sciatica during pregnancy ... Why?"


The goal of the following exercises are two fold:

1) " reverse the curve" At the moment there is a tendency for your back to arch forward and to increase the curve front of your lower back. This places increased stresses across the surface of the facet joints. The following exercises will encourage your lower back and pelvis to move in the opposite direction. This is the pressure away from the sensitive structures and the pain settle.

2) strengthening . To implement the above motion, you have to work your abdominal muscles. This will therefore help to them. The increase in the stability of your abdominal muscles will help you to prevent your back from over, over heights therefore help to the pressure of the facet joints as above.

3) stretching . Once again by the lower back and pelvis, to reverse the curve "the structures in the lower back, tightening because of the increased arc, is now stretched. This will further decrease the stresses that are on the sensitive structures at the bottom you back.

posterior pelvis tilt

A good exercise for this is to lie on his back on the floor with the knees bent. The goal is then flat on his back into the floor with a 'and go back to the bottom "of your rotation pelvis.

If you find this difficult, you can try with your heels and bottom muscles to help. As you try to flatten your lower back into the soil gently tighten your Gesa /gluteal muscles, while very gently by pushing your heels.

Four Point kneeling stretch

Placing you are on all fours, with your knees around under your hips and hands below the shoulders, arch your back gently up to the ceiling. Once this is done, gently lean backwards, as if to sit on your heels. While doing so, you can feel stretch in your lower back, another up to your back or your shoulders down toward your Gesa and even thigh. As long as there is only one way you are and not feeling pain, it is not problem.

General advice

As I have said above, the main problem with low back pain and sciatica during pregnancy is typically the increased arch in the lower back. Therefore, other advice to help May, as follows.


abdominal muscles: Little and often while walking softly tighten your stomach muscles for a few seconds (5-10) and relax. The abdominal muscles are a very important muscle when it comes to stability for the lower back. So, if you can tighten them little and often, it can help to prevent the forward tilt of the pelvis.

shoes: Not that I can imagine many pregnant ladies to walk around in high heels, but as a rule of thumb is the smaller of the heel, the better. This is because a high heel tend to lean you forward, which in turn will tilt towards the rear of the lower back. This move places increased pressure on the facet joints, with a sauce of your potential pain.

Sleeping position: You can also find that sleep becomes difficult in pregnancy, especially compared with the last quarter, if you are clearly graer. It is likely that the best position for you to sleep in the side is lying, either with a pillow between your knees, or the position in my opinion is better, your leg just below and the top leg supported by pillows.

NB As always guided by what your body tells you. Although this may sound a bit flippant, the best position for you to sleep is in that you are the best sleep and wake where you feel most comfortable in the morning.

Support Belt: My personal experience of feedback from patients is that it is a little "Hit & Miss". The goal is to support both the back and your baby belly "so under pressure from your lower back. They have worked well and some others have not yet won benefit.

For more details and diagrams on the two above exercises and the recommended sleep position, use the link


Paul Boxcer - Bsc (Hons) Physiotherapist, has over 10 years experience of treating people in pain. During this time and especially over the last few years, he has concentrated his treatment on those suffering with Low Back Pain & Sciatica.

Following years of analysis of different treatment procedures, his belief is that our own body has an innate desire to heal itself, no matter what the injury. When someone suffers from Low Back Pain it is no different.

By ensuring the body is given the correct conditions to heal itself, conditions such as Low Back Pain & Sciatica can be resolved just as easily as a twisted ankle or pulled muscle...

Knowing what to and not to do, is the crucial element.

His book "Free Yourself of Back Pain & Sciatica" not only explains everything you need to know in order to allow the body to heal itself, but also ensures the risk of subsequent episodes is kept to an absolute minimum. Subscribe NOW to his FREE Course and begin curing your pain STRAIGHT AWAY.

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